Nobody plans to fail, but those who fail, they fail to plan. A plan is like a road map. It tell you, where you are and guides you in a direction. It help you design a strategy about how you get from one point to another. Are you an ambitious, hardworking and good learner? This is the right time to start your own business. Entrepreneur means job creator and employer. Rising unemployment around the world. The world needs more entrepreneurs who will create jobs. Entrepreneurship is not just about making money. Pay attention to value addition. Money is the only result of that. When you are involved in the process of value addition, money will come as its natural result. Whatever you are doing, your 100% devotion towards it will create the change you want. Money will follow your creation. So, are you in stress to earn more money or Happy about creating something valuable for the world? Your answer will decide your degree of fulfilment as an entrepreneur. The most important skills you need to be a successful entrepreneur. ability to sell. I’m not just talking about the ability to sell the product, which is very important. But I’m also talking about the ability to sell a Vision. You need to be completely disciplined in your work to rise high. Be always watchful of utilisation of your time. Right utilisation of time can make you King in the days to come. Success is all about perfecting yourself in whatever activities you perform. The perfection comes only by doing and doing such activities over and over with complete enthusiasm. Hence keep perfecting yourself. Learn from the outcomes of yesterday and prepare for today with full energy and enthusiasm. You have one full wonderful day ahead to perform.Â