The word NORMAL is very important why? Because when we label something as normal. We accept it as it is. Because this is normal there is no need to change this. Before the COVID of what emotions we labelled as normal. We say stress and anger is normal. Expectations are normal. Disease or illness in the body is normal. Conflicts in relationship are normal. We have called them normal by calling them normal, we did not change these emotions. And then came a situation in front of the whole world at the same time. Covid, Global situation, Global crisis. What did we say even in this situation? We Said :- We increased stress, fear and conflicts in relationship increased. Cases of depression increased. None of them had any connection with covid. But because of our misunderstanding of what is normal. All of them got created. So now, the new normal. New normal doesn’t just mean working from home or less travel or not travel. If we call only this new normal. If we learn only this much from covid. Learning is still incomplete. New normal means. We need to create a new normal for them. Happiness, Peace, Compassion, Health, Stability and Harmony is relationship is normal. We need to start implementing this new normal and we should stop calling stress or worry as normal. Because if we call them normal. The next generation will start labelling them as normal.